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Subject : Genetic engineering.

Che’s confession: "I still remember it… this face to face… Fidel was furious… Furious because he was thwarted… Thwarted because he thought he was forced to put me in my place… The place I should never have left… He was saying he was now unable to turn the scale on my side… because he was condemned to condemn me. He was laughing, but in reality he had difficulty to hide the tears in his eyes. And he was saying, without trying to convince me, that my determinations were pure but that the heart of the men was not pure. It was not yet time to attack directly the two super great ones who wanted to control the world to our cost… because the consequence would be that one day we would face only one… only one empire… what is worse than the worst. In politics, it is necessary to have several weights and measures… Several enemies rather than one because in politics there is no friend. The political sense cannot be improvised, he was saying, you have it or not. He was saying without circumlocution that something was missing about me… a sixth sense… the political sense. With the expression political sense, Fidel meant two things which afterwards seem evident. Primo: the ability of perception: to assess correctly the strength of the opponent. Segundo: an ability for commitment: to adapt the strength of the opponent to my correct value. Then he clasped me in his arms and whispered in my ear: “Comrade Guevara, you drove me in the shit!"

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