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Subject : Hymn to life

The man: I am exhausted. Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!
Midday: how is he called?
The big star: his name is Zarathoustra.
Midnight: a name to remember with closed eyes. Look, he is almost sleeping…
The man: my look was maybe misleading you, but I am always awake.
Midnight: good news!!
The big star: excuse their offences even if it is inexcusable. The first Midday only sees the good side of the things and the second Midnight only the bad one.
Midnight: it is not necessary to see to understand.
Midday: it is not necessary to understand to love!
The big star: our man is tired due to the road, don’t add anything more!
Midnight: except to please him or to tickle him… I don’t see how to do to prevent him from sleeping?
The big star: to keep him awake… you have to excite his interest.

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